Two of our calves have headed off to school, specifically to the local high school, for a semester.

Ulladulla High School's Year 9 Agriculture Technology students are caring for these young animals, under the supervision of their teachers, as part of the process of learning about rearing animals and the responsibilities associated with caring for livestock.

Our farm has been proud to be involved with this important educational opportunity for a few years, and we look forward to continuing to support Ulladulla High Schools' Ag-Tech teachers and students.

Plus, after spending a semester at the school, we're certain to have the best educated Holstein calves on the South Coast.
Updated 20 September 2019: The students at Ulladulla High School, who're looking after two of our calves as part of their Ag-Tech curriculum, are pleased to report that under their care the calves are growing bigger and stronger. Well done UHS!