9 DECEMBER 2023: On Saturday evening, Farmer Rob and the teams from Narrawilly and Croobyar Farms celebrated together at the Narrawilly Dairy Christmas Party. Jodi and Beau were our wonderful hosts. With the lake (Burrill) as the magnificient backdrop, and the beefies grazing emerald green paddocks, the setting was spectacular. Even the 40-degree high during the day, followed by an unexpectedly strong thunderstorm / rain squall in the early evening, could not dampen the Festive Spirit.

It was lovely to see a few new faces, among all the regulars, attending our 2023 staff year-end event. Having Sophia Grace there, too, made it an extra special occassion for Rob, her super-proud dad.
A special thank you to Paul and Donna, who joined us for the evening. You are both a fundamental part of the Narrawilly Dairy team, and we're very grateful for all the hard work you (and Young Beau) do, and the very many long hours you spend behind the wheel, to ensure that the farms' animals are well nourished.

Congratulations to Emily and Todd, and Rachel and Ben. We hope 2024 is a wonderful year for all of you.

From Rob and Carey-Ann to everyone in our very special team: merry, merry to you and yours this festive season, and may 2024 be a year of good health, plenty of laughs, and genuine kindness.