MAY (LATE AUTUMN) 2024: The NSW South Coast has experienced some intense rainfall throughout the month of May. We recorded 450+mm at Narrawilly where big, relentless raindrops fell on our heads and sheds without interruption for 12 days.

Image 1: Month-to-date rainfall for selected towns and villages on the NSW South Coast (source: BoM, 27 July 2024)
The wet weather also saw the welcome return of black swans to Narrawilly. One of the black swan families has made itself at home among the many (temporary) pools that popped up after the rains. And some mornings, Rob watches in awe a bevy of up to 40 black swans gliding serenely across a farm dam.

Image 2: Family of black swans on the farm's soggy, boggy northern paddocks
Our heifers, sensibly, head into the tree shelter-belts in the wet weather, leaving Robert and the farm team to wade through the sludge and mud triggered by the rain.

Image 3: On the mooo-ve: young heifers heading into the tree shelter belts during May's wet weather
Although May was gray and muddy, our farm team members looked flash and fresh in their branded prêt-à-porter colourful shirts, caps and beanies. A big thank you to farm workwear supplier Ringers Western, and Shoalhaven Uniforms, a Huskisson-based company that embroiders our logo on our farmwear.

Image 4: Colourful shirts, beanies and caps worn by our team members
Narrawilly was also thrilled to host the team from Palomino Jewels during their recent trip to the NSW South Coast. The team was in town to attend and run a pop-up store at the Ringers Western Gold Buckle Camp Draft Championship (1 to 4 May 2024) at Willinga Park, at Bawley Point. Palomino Jewels, owned by David Benn, designs and handcrafts equestrian and western jewellery. (We wondered if the Hereford pendant might be in want of a Montbeliarde or a Holstein pendant at some point?)
Glamour aside, more wet weather is in the medium-term to long-term forecast, with the Bureau of Meteorology warning that the likelihood of La Nina-linked conditions reappearing is currently sitting at 50/50. Until then, we'll keep in mind the wise words of Corb Lund's "Cows Around":
"What else is gonna get out when ya don't close the gate
What else'll make ya prematurely show your age?
What else'll take a run at you in a fit of bovine rage?
May you always have cows around
Well, everything is better with some cows around
Living in town sometimes brings me down
And although this western blessing leaves you cattle-bound
May you always have cows around..."
Video: Corb Lund | Cows Around (Live at Red Ants Pants) | Source: Youtube
So, may you also always have (your own, but not our) cows around! Have a splendid and productive winter, everyone.