UPDATE #2: Our sunflowers planted adjacent to the highway are blooming. It has been a long wait but we are delighted to let you know that the sunflowers are back. We will also have some of our sunflower bunches for sale at Farmers At Burrill on Friday, 5 February 2021, from 5pm. Hope to see you there.

UPDATE #1: At the end of November, we experienced 2 days of extreme heat (measured at 40-degrees on the farm) and powerful westerly winds (gusts in excess of 100km per hour, lasting for 48 hours), both of which scorched and broke apart our young sunflowers growing along the highway. In early December, disappointed but determined, we planted new sunflower seeds along the highway. We are hopeful the second crop will be in bloom in late January and early February 2021. The young flowers are approximately 15-20cm high right now and will hopefully get stronger and taller over the next few weeks.
ORIGINAL BLOG POST: Narrawilly Farm is known for its magnificent sunflowers. We are hoping that our summer 2020 crop will be bigger and better than ever.
After planting the seeds a few weeks ago, we're counting down the days until the return of the sunflowers' lovely faces to our farm.

A big thank you for everyone who, over the past couple of weeks, has telephoned, emailed and stopped us in the village to ask when the sunflowers will be available again. We're happy to tell you that the seeds are in the ground and Mother Nature is taking care of the rest.
We are expecting the sunflowers to be in full flower sometime in late December -- and they should continue to be in full bloom from late December until early Autumn, assuming we have good weather and decent rainfall.
The great news is that you, too, will be able to see the sunflowers that transform our fence line into the loveliest in the district. (The farm's fence line is adjacent to Princes Highway, about 1km north of the historic village of Milton).

Our farm-grown sunflower bunches will also available to buy at our pop-up farm store on weekend mornings during the summer season (weather and availability permitting, of course).