After a third flood inundated Narrawilly over the weekend of 8-9 August, Rob is weighing up the pros and cons of installing an Olympic kayak course across the farm's northern paddocks. With more than 500 metres of white water and challenging currents, it seems less daunting to host an Olympic kayaking competition in the northern paddocks than it does to run a dairying business.

Image 1: A farmhouse by the "lake"
After the deluge, the farm is still muddy and wet.

Image 2: Perfect spot for a kayak course?
Being housebound by torrential rain gave us plenty of time to look at, and appreciate, the many artworks hanging on Narrawilly farmhouse's walls. One painting, in particular, lifted our spirits as we waited for the return of the sun. Captured in a lovely watercolour by local artist, Diane Gee, is a scene from daily farmhouse life: Rob's late father's work boots and a few pumpkins at the backdoor.

Image 3: Rob's boots, a trio of pumpkins as homage to a watercolour painting featuring his father's work boots
Waterproof boots and pumpkin soup are absolutely essential for coping with this wet winter on the farm.
Other members of the South Coast community have not been as lucky, though. Evacuations, flash flooding, road closures, and damage to homes, farms and businesses were widespread across Nowra, Terara and Sussex Inlet after the wild weather took hold. Some impressive images are available in this report on the impact of the floods across several South Coast towns and villages.
Here's looking ahead to a Good Spring and a mild (fire-free) summer.