It's wet. Really, really wet. The BoM reports that Ulladulla -- a town 7km south of the farm -- had 217mm in 24 hours (Monday, 7-3-22, 9am to Tuesday, 8-3-22, 8.59am). We recorded, using our analog rain gauge, 232mm for the same period at Narrawilly Farmhouse. (#raingaugewarriors #myraingaugeisbetterthanyours #eyeroll)

Image 1: BoM rainfall observations for Ulladulla, up to 8 March 2022
For your pleasure and / or edification, some photographs of the farm and the flooding on Tuesday, 8 March 2022, after 232mm of rain fell on top of the hundreds of millimetres we've had since 23 February 2022. Not looking forward to re-building all the downed fences once this is all over.

Image 2: Tree vs water in the south-eastern paddock. We'll miss that top soil.

Image 3: White water from Croobyar Creek as it flows onto the northern paddocks, taking all the fences with it

Image 4: Oh look, the farm is now surrounded by a lake

Image 5: Flood water across the driveway with a few patches of bitumen valiantly holding out against the torrent. Makes you want to serenade the last remaining patches of road surface with an enthusiastic rendition of Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers' Islands in the Stream

Image 6: Rain gauge, you say? Spider sanctuary, we say. (Arachnophobes, read no further.) Every time we grab the rain gauge to tip the rainwater out, at least a half dozen spiders, hidden between container and fence post, scuttle over the gauge and across our fingers

Image 7: You won't see the RM Williams-booted, electioneering politicians in this sort of farm gear: boardies, raincoat, mud boots and solar power pack for the fences

Image 8: #livingthedream? Nah, living climate change, baby
As the rain continues to fall this Tuesday afternoon, Rob would like you to know that he is incredibly appreciative of his farm team members, who arrive at 3.30am IN POURING RAIN to milk the herd, or who stay that extra hour in the evening to get the herd fed and safe; and the milk tanker drivers who navigate wild weather conditions on the South Coast highways to get to the farm; and the truck drivers who carry pellets, hay, grain and spare parts; and the dozens of supportive local and regional businesses -- electricians, quad bike mechanics, fencing specialists, farmers, and others -- who all contribute to making Narrawilly Farm a viable business. Add to that the watchful attention of our neighbours, in Milton, Croobyar, Woodstock and Yatte Yattah, who care deeply about the wellbeing of our animals, and alert us whenever there is an issue, large or small. Thank you to all of you for what you do for the farm and our animals. Stay safe. Stay well. And if it's flooded, forget it.